Friday, 20 April 2012

Does illuminati exist yes or no?

The Illuminati symbol:Photo by Aba Terry
I Find it hard to believe in the Illuminati since most of the individual accused  of being in the Illuminati group are in countries such as U.S.   .Illuminati is assumed to be associated with rich people but for your information if i was rich i would never join this society it goes against my values .I often asked myself where  did all this theories of Illuminati start,Who started this.The Illuminati was founded in the mid-1700s by Adam Weishaupt and backed by international bankers. Weishaupt produced the objectives and outlines of the Illuminati Order in 1776
Five theories about Illuminati:
1.The Illuminati infiltrate and take over organisations of all kinds, from churches to the post office to the corner grocery store, and turn them to their own ends.
2.They have agents and "sleepers" planted everywhere. Many of these people have no idea who they are really reporting to. Others are active members of the conspiracy, working their way ever deeper into the fabric of society.
3.They control the schools in order to make sure that young people learn to enjoy strange tuneless music and weird outlandish games, and that they dress oddly.
4.And, of course, murder is an ancient political weapon. The Illuminati have been responsible for some of the most shocking assassinations of modern time
5.The Illuminati manipulate the stock market and control currencies on an international level. Your paycheck is worth just what the Illuminati want it to be. 
 Jay Z and the wife Beyonce
,performing at the Grammy awards photo:
Jay Z showing a symbol of Illuminati 
:photo by Jonathan Andrews
There  are  theories that most of the rich people are controlled by Illuminati. Celebrities that have more money are often accused of being a member of the Illuminati group.There are claims that Jay Z and  the wife are in the  Illuminati group.It is has not been  proven that   these allegations are true but i believe that everyone has his own view about the celebrities associated with Illuminati.  If the group is out there why not the people who follows it come and let the public know so that it can be accepted in the public's eye like followers of god accepting and showing themselves in public without fear .Thats how i view it. What are your view?.Do you believe celebrities are involved?.Do you think its just something people are talking about and its not real?


  1. Illuminati is believed to be out there but is it really out there? How do we know for sure? I've heard about it , read about but it is still unclear wether it exists or not.

  2. I Ques there so many questions about illuminati that remains un answered

  3. can i please get you staight here, so these illuminati is existing?so realy people claiming to possess special enlightenment or knowledge of something?wow

    1. well thats what people claim,even some celebrity do admitt especially when they sing,their lirics says so much about illuminaties

  4. I find it hard to believe that illminati does exit. Is it really out there?

    1. thats the question we all ask ourselves

  5. I doubt this illuminati thing exist as its so famous in the United States and we have never heard of anyone in SA saying they are part of it so i doubt it exists.

    1. thats the same question i am asking myself,if illuminaty is out there how come here in SA we do not here anything about it.

  6. I do belief that illuminatti exists, because artists like 2pac, have confessed on record that they were part of the illuminatti. listen to the content of most of these celeb's music. Why else would a person promote the devil? or do you not belief that the devil exists as well? How else would you explain the signs that these celebrities are making/? In my understanding, The artists are being, approached by representatives of the illuminatti not the other way round. Research more on this controvercial topic and you will get more inside and shocking testimonies from the same people, confirming this.

    1. They did cormfirm but there was never a formal prove,i mean its hard to actually believe someone's words sometimes

  7. I do not believe in the power of a underworld when i have jesus in my life these people are trying to created fear and test your faith and if your heart is in the right place and know that their is an all mighty above than you might as well beleive in the illuminati

    1. Well as a powerfull woman of god i respect your believe,i mean everyone is entiltled to believe anything he or she wants

  8. i do not beleive in it and i think that it doesnt exist, these people are just making money and they forget that they were created by God.

  9. I trully believe that this thing for illuminati is to praise the devil for money and i don't have much information about it but all i can say its about the devil.

  10. I have read and heard stories about illuminati and i think it is the devils work , the devil is a liar and if this illuminati thing is real i think with the power of the Almighty it can come to an end.

  11. Illuminati theories are nothing but utter rubbish!!, calculated lies at best for example say I play around with your names; frANS moThibA does that make you evil? NO...hope you can make sense of this.
