Thursday, 26 April 2012

Campus manager assulting lecturers and students

I honestly think that the respect for lecturers is very important,But lecturers should also respect their students.I think that having a good relationship with your lecturers is a good platform for prosperity.The relationship between student or lecturers and campus managers or chancellors of the university is always good since we do not engage too much.

Dobsonville Further Education and Training (FET) campus
In this the case the students and lecturers have a good relationship the problem is  with the campus manager.
They accused the campus manager, Andrew Dube, of verbally abusing them.
The students and lectures said that Dube had insulted them by remarking that :

Students sit around, some drinking alcohol,
at the Dobsonville FET campus following the disruption of classes
. Photo: Dumisani Dube
  1. some of you are smelly, 
  2.  You look like you have not had a bath, 
  3.  You smell of alcohol and dress like hoboes”. 
  4.   their classrooms “are filthy,
  5.  the toilets are disgusting,
  6. while the campus is dirty”.
Teaching and learning have been disrupted at the Dobsonville Further Education and Training (FET) campus, prompting angry students to call for intervention by education authorities.  Students start  the strike and as the strike entered its third day on Wednesday, some of the frustrated students resorted to drinking alcohol inside the campus premises. The college was plunged into chaos on Monday after lecturers and administrative staff members embarked on a wildcat strike.
I believe that the campus manager needs to change his behaviour or get fired.As a Campus manager  you communicate a very important massage from the leadership of the university or college.You are not suppose to be assaulting others but helping them and guiding them.The manager was suppose to sit and do environmental scanning  and come up with possible solution to help with the problem, not assault lecturers  and students.

As a  student\Lecturer what would you do if you where insulted by  Campus manager or someone of  a higher position in the university.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Does illuminati exist yes or no?

The Illuminati symbol:Photo by Aba Terry
I Find it hard to believe in the Illuminati since most of the individual accused  of being in the Illuminati group are in countries such as U.S.   .Illuminati is assumed to be associated with rich people but for your information if i was rich i would never join this society it goes against my values .I often asked myself where  did all this theories of Illuminati start,Who started this.The Illuminati was founded in the mid-1700s by Adam Weishaupt and backed by international bankers. Weishaupt produced the objectives and outlines of the Illuminati Order in 1776
Five theories about Illuminati:
1.The Illuminati infiltrate and take over organisations of all kinds, from churches to the post office to the corner grocery store, and turn them to their own ends.
2.They have agents and "sleepers" planted everywhere. Many of these people have no idea who they are really reporting to. Others are active members of the conspiracy, working their way ever deeper into the fabric of society.
3.They control the schools in order to make sure that young people learn to enjoy strange tuneless music and weird outlandish games, and that they dress oddly.
4.And, of course, murder is an ancient political weapon. The Illuminati have been responsible for some of the most shocking assassinations of modern time
5.The Illuminati manipulate the stock market and control currencies on an international level. Your paycheck is worth just what the Illuminati want it to be. 
 Jay Z and the wife Beyonce
,performing at the Grammy awards photo:
Jay Z showing a symbol of Illuminati 
:photo by Jonathan Andrews
There  are  theories that most of the rich people are controlled by Illuminati. Celebrities that have more money are often accused of being a member of the Illuminati group.There are claims that Jay Z and  the wife are in the  Illuminati group.It is has not been  proven that   these allegations are true but i believe that everyone has his own view about the celebrities associated with Illuminati.  If the group is out there why not the people who follows it come and let the public know so that it can be accepted in the public's eye like followers of god accepting and showing themselves in public without fear .Thats how i view it. What are your view?.Do you believe celebrities are involved?.Do you think its just something people are talking about and its not real?

Friday, 13 April 2012


Billy Gate,USA
Photo by Reuters
                  The RICH
Bill is the world's no 2 richest man in the world .Bill is worth 61.3 Billion.Its nobody 's fault that he is rich and some other people are poor.
 facts about bill: 
1. Bill Gates earns US$250 every SECOND, that’s about US$20 Million a DAY and US$7.8 Billion a YEAR!
Bill gate's house,photo by Reuters
 2. If he drops a thousand dollar, he won’t even bother to pick it up because the 4 seconds he picks it, he would’ve already earned it back.

3. The US national debt is about 5.62 trillion, if Bill Gates were to pay the debt by himself; he will finish it in less then 10 years. 
 4.. He can donate US$15 to everyone on earth but still be left with US $5 Million for his pocket money.
5. If Microsoft Windows’ users can claim US$1 for every time their computers hang because of Microsoft Windows, Bill Gates will be bankrupt in 3 days!
You May find ten people staying in one shack,no food, not enough clothes.When they are sick there is no help because they do not have money.People are living the hard way

slum in Jakarta, Indonesia
  Poverty is the state of one who lacks a certain amount of material possessions or money 
People are living the good life and i don't blame them and  some  are struggling.I believe thats just how life is
Do you guys think there is anything we can do to avoid this situation.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Does SA belong to the bric( most developing) countries

The truth is this country is growing,but what we are asking ourselves is  that is it growing so fast that it deserves to be named as one of the country that  is developing very fast in the world.The country still has serious problems such as allegations of police commisioner and the president's corruptions.such  issues makes other countries to believe that SA still need to fixed especially in the government.

photo by Zapiro
 Yes politically we still have problems but ecomically the country seems to be growing.despite the corruption going in the  country   there is enough water in the land than before,enough shelter,more job oportunities arosing,

marketing company Brand SA said :
  • "We believe South Africa is an integral part of Africa and works to increase its stability, unity, prosperity, and international influence," Brand SA chief executive Miller Majola said in a statement.
  • It will be the first time for South Africa to   participate in the summit as a full member. South Africa joined the group last year.
South African President Jacob Zuma will has led a delegation of ministers and business leaders to the fourth BRICS summit which was cheduled for March 28-29  in New Dehli, India later this week, according to Brand SA, a company set up in 2002 to promote a positive image of South Africa.

  • The summit  provide an opportunity for member countries -- Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa -- to debate issues of mutual interest and concern, the statement said.
  • The summit was increasing in stature at a time when Western countries were experiencing a decline in their traditional political and economic power, the statement said.
  • This is a clear indication of the growing stature of emerging nations, the statement noted.
"The BRICS grouping is the most concrete and rapidly evolving example of this phenomenon. In just four years, the formal agenda for cooperation and consultation has expanded dramatically to span politics, trade and business, science, academic, and cultural interactions," said the statement.
I say south africa deserves to be in the group.What do you think